Monday, August 30, 2010

2 more days...

2 more days until our 30 day eating at home challenge begins.   Went out for sushi with my bestest friends last night.  No sushi for 30 days makes me kind of sad...  Am also going to my favorite burger place on Tuesday so that I won't pine for that for the next 30 days.

Hubby went to the grocery store and bought all kinds of staple type items (stuff we only normally buy if we need it for the week).  He made spaghetti for lunches.  I tasted the sauce, it was yummy.

I will try to post every day for the next 30 days.  Hopefully there will be pictures of what we are eating (what Eddie is cooking).  Maybe I'll even take a picture of the dishes I have to do.

Friday, August 20, 2010

30 Day Challenge

The hubby and I are going to try to cook at home for 30 days.  Really 25 days because we are going to still have our weekly Daniel's outing on Wednesdays.  We have made too many friends over there not to continue to do that and it is a nice break in the week.

So what does this mean?  It mostly means we won't eat dinner out (except Wednesdays) for the whole month of September.  We really have gotten in the habit of eating out 3-4 nights a week and that is expensive and not healthy.

I think we are extending this to breakfast on the weekends (we usually eat out once a weekend).

I'm also hoping that most of our lunches are also home cooked.  We do this for the most part now but I usually have 1 or 2 days a week when I just can't eat any more left overs.  I'll have to figure this out.

Hubby is going to do the bulk of the cooking while I will be doing the bulk of the cleaning.  It seems a fair split of the duties.

I know that this probably doesn't seem hard to everyone but this is seems daunting to me.  When we are tired or Scooby the dog has had a bad night, it is so easy to just go out.  We won't do this during this month.  We have to have things that we can cook at home.

We can use pre-made items like bag meals or frozen ravioli.  I can't do one of those make everything from scratch challenges.  That is a little bit ridiculous because I'm not milling my own wheat or making my own chicken broth.

Join in if you want... I'm going to try to update this every day once it starts.  Of course September 1 is a Wednesday.  So I guess it starts September 2.

It will be interesting to see what we have learned on October 1.